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RE: My Experience with Ray Young

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2002-01-24 RE: My Experience with Ray Young
Old Message:
> Dear Alex,
In reply to these slanderous words of warning from Mr Klimko, may I just say , he says that he posted a parcel of Russian models to me on December 4 2001, a parcel that I have never received, a fact that he doesen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>t seem to understand. Also he picks the most expensive models off my sales list, in exchange for what he has. Is $44 okay for the ural grad, when I can buy them from elsewhere at only $17. For the models he had for me totalled my end for$483 approx., in return from him, his value was only $186. Can you wonder why I ceased exchanges there and then, no way am I going to be ripped off like that. In simple words Mr Klimko became greedy and upped the price for models that are bought cheaply. Rip off the westerner, they always have thought that way, why change now. With me it doesn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>t work, not after some 32 years in the buying and selling game, I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ve seen and heard it all. Pity he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>s not in the Uk and has said what he has, I would see him in court for compensation.
Thank you Alex for your kind response message. Let your customers decide.
Ray Young.